New product releases!

Today we are releasing new versions of LOGEtable and LOGEapi.

LOGEtable v.1.2.0
LOGEtable is specifically designed to ease generation of chemistry tables. In addition to many performance improvements, this major release features a standard format reaction mechanism
reader as well as a whole new environment for laminar flame speed table generation.

Download LOGEtable here

LOGEapi v.1.2.0
Our computationally efficient CPV combustion model for CONVERGE has gotten faster and better. This new major release includes several speed-ups, an improved treatment of the expansion phase as well as compatibility with newer versions of CONVERGE:

  • 2.4.19
  • 2.4.20

Download LOGEapi here

CONVERGE User Conference

On September 24-28,  the world’s leading experts in CFD will gather to participate in CONVERGE User Conference, Madison.

If you are going, don’t’ miss the two presentations with reference to LOGEsoft.

“Further Application of the Fast Tabulated CPV Approach”, Adina Werner, Brandenburg University of Technology, September 25, 2018.

“Surrogate Impact on Flame Propagation and Knock Prediction”, Corinna Netzer, Brandenburg University of Technology, September 26, 2018.




Join us in Bologna

LOGE will be a proud sponsor during the 2018 CONVERGE User Conference in Bologna, Italy, March 19-23.

Visit us at our booth where we will showcase our advanced tools for enhanced prediction and computational performance in CONVERGE.

Click here for further information about the tools that will be presented: LOGEapi, LOGEtable and LOGEfuel

At the conference, Corinna Netzer, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus, will give a presentation with the title “A Computationally Efficient Combustion Progress Variable (CPV) Approach for Engine Applications”.