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Tim Franken, Alexander Duggan, Andrea Matrisciano, Harry Lehtiniemi, Anders Borg, Fabian MaussMulti-Objective Optimization of Fuel Consumption and NOx Emissions of a heavy-duty Diesel engine using a Stochastic Reactor ModelSAE Technical Paper 2019-01-1173


Corinna Netzer, Tim Franken, Lars Seidel, Harry Lehtiniemi, Fabian MaussNumerical Analysis of the Impact of Water Injection on Combustion and Thermodynamics in a Gasoline Engine using Detailed ChemistryISBN 18PFL-0176, SAE Technical Paper 2018-01-0200







Perlman, C., Bjerkborn, S., Fröjd, K., and Mauss, F.A CPU Efficient Model for SI in-cylinder combustion and knock prediction model utilizing a stochastic reactor approach, turbulent flame propagation and detailed chemistryProceedings of the 8th International Conference on Modeling and Diagnostics for Advanced Engine Systems, COMODIA
Perlman, C., Frojd, K., Seidel, L., Tunér, M. and Mauss, F.A Fast Tool for Predictive CI In-Cylinder Modelling with Detailed ChemistrySAE 2012-01-1074
Lehtiniemi, H., Borg, A., and Mauss, F.Conditional Moment Closure with a Progress Variable Approach", Paper MS 2-3Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Modeling and Diagnostics for Advanced Engine Systems, COMODIA
Manz, A., Krüger, C., Mauss, B., Liang, Y., De Paola, G.Coupling of G-Equation Combustion Model with Reduced Chemical Kinetics for Knock Prediction in DISI Engines (Combustion and knock prediction in gasoline engines)Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Modeling and Diagnostics for Advanced Engine Systems, COMODIA
Bo, T., Rawat, R., Johns, R., Mauss, F.Multi-Fuel and Mixed-Mode IC Engine Combustion Simulation with a Detailed Chemistry based Progress Variable Library ApproachProceedings of the 8th International Conference on Modeling and Diagnostics for Advanced Engine Systems, COMODIA
Pasternak, P., Mauss, F., Janiga, G., and Thévenin, D.Self-Calibrated Model for Diesel Engine SimulationsSAE 2012-01-1072
Pasternak, M., Mauss, F., Seidel, L., and Matrisciano, A.Simulation of Diesel Surrogate Fuels Performance under Engine Conditions using 0D Engine - Fuel Test BenchProceedings of the 8th International Conference on Modeling and Diagnostics for Advanced Engine Systems, COMODIA


Tunér, M., Fröjd, K., Seidel, L., and Mauss, F.Diesel-PPC engine: Predictive Full Cycle Modeling with Reduced and Detailed ChemistrySAE 2011-01-1781


Mauss, F., Ebenezer, N. and Lehtiniemi, H.Adaptive Polynomial Tabulation (APT): A computationally economical strategy for the HCCI engine simulation of complex fuelSAE Technical Paper 2010-01-1085


Hoffmeyer, H., Montefrancesco, E., Beck, L., Willand, J., Ziebert, F., and Mauss, F.CARE – Catalytic Reformated Exhaust gases in turbocharged DISI-EnginesSAE 2009-01-0503.
Bo, T., Beck, L.M., and Mauss, F.Detailed Chemistry CFD Engine Combustion Solution with Ignition Progress Variable ApproachSAE 2009-01-1898.
Pasternak, M., Mauss, F. and Bensler, H.Diesel Engine Cycle Simulation with Reduced Set of Modeling Parameter Based on Detailed KineticsSAE 2009-01-0676.
Tunér, M., and Mauss, F.Modelling and Investigation of Exothermic Centers in HCCI CombustionSAE 2009-01-0131.
Tunér, M., and Mauss, F.Modelling and Investigation of Exothermic Centers in HCCI CombustionSAE 2009-01-0131.
Tunér, M., Karlsson, M. and Mauss, F.Modelling and Investigation of Exothermic Centers in HCCI Combustion", SAE 2009-01-0131.SAE 2009-01-0131.
Nakov, G., Mauss, F., Wenzel, P., Steiner, R., Krüger, C., Zhang, Y., Rawat, R., Borg, A., Perlman, C., Fröjd, K. and Lehtiniemi, H.Soot Simulation under Diesel Engine Conditions Using a Flamelet ApproachSAE Technical Paper 2009-01-2679.
Tunér, M., Karlsson, M. and Mauss, F.Studying HCCI Combustion and its Cyclic Variations versus Heat Transfer, Mixing, and Discretization using a PDF based approachSAE 2009-01-0667.


Tunér, M., Pasternak, M., Mauss, F. and Bensler, H.A PDF-Based Model for Full Cycle Simulation of Direct Injected Engines"SAE 2008-01-1606.
Lehtiniemi, H., Zhang, Y., Rawat, R., and Mauss, F.Efficient 3-D CFD Combustion Modeling with Transient Flamelet ModelsSAE 2008-01-0957.


Tunér, M., Hildingsson, L. Johansson, B., Amneus, P., Mauss, F. Collin, R.C., Nygren, J., Richter, M., Alden, M., Kraft, M. and Bhave, A.N.Formaldehyd and Hydroxyl Radicals in an HCCI Engine – Calculations and MeasurementsSAE 2007-01-0049.


Mosbach, S., Kraft, M., Bhave, A., Mauss, F., Mack, J.H., and Dibble, R.W.Simulating a Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition Engine Fuelled with a DEE/EtOH BlendSAE 2006-01-1362.


Bhave, A., Kraft, M., Mauss, F., Oakley, A., and Zhao, H.Evaluating the EGR-AFR Operating Range of a HCCI EngineSAE 2005-01-0161.
Lehtiniemi, H., Mauss, F., Balthasar, M., and Magnusson, I.Modeling Diesel Engine Combustion with Detailed Chemistry using a Progress Variable ApproachSAE 2005-01-3855.
Tunér, M., Blurock, E.S., and Mauss, F.Phase Optimized Skeleton Mechanisms for Stochastic Reactor Models for Engine SimulationSAE 2005-01-3813.
Priesching, P., Tatschl, R., Mauss, F., Saric, F., Netzell, K., Bauer, W., Schmid, M., Leipertz, A., Merola, S.S., Vaglieco, B.M.Soot Particle Size Distribution – a Joint Work for Kinetic Modelling and Experimental InvestigationsSAE 2005-24-053.




Cantore, G., Montorsi, L., Mauss, F., Amnéus, P., Erlandsson, O., Johansson, B. and Morel, T.Analysis of a 6-Cylinder Turbocharged HCCI Engine Using A Detailed Kinetic MechanismASME, Internal Combustion Engine Division, 2002 Spring Technical Conference, April 14.-17. Rockford, Illinois, USA.
Montorsi, L., Mauss, F., Bianchi, G.M., Bhave, A. and Kraft, M.Analysis of the HCCI Combustion of a Turbocharged Truck Engine using a Stochastic Reactor ModelASME, Internal Combustion Engine Division, 2002 Fall Technical Conference, September 8.-11. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.


Soyhan, H.S., Løvås, T., and Mauss, F.A Stochastic Simulation of an HCCI Engine Using an Automatically Reduced MechanismPaper No. 2001-ICE-416, ASME